Cooling Fan User Manual



Every product will have the problem of life loss, what we can do is to prevent and use the product safely, so that the product can maintain the best condition and reduce the natural loss of the product.If the product is used improperly, the life of the cooling fan will naturally be shortened or even damaged, therefore, the daily care, use and maintenance of cooling fans has become a point of concern. So after buying a cooling fan, how should we use and maintain it? The following cooling fan manual

Let’s take a look!

1, when the cooling fan in operation, do not let the cooling fan fan blades lock for too long, which will produce high heat loss or even directly burned DC fan.

2, Whether the cooling fan you just purchased back or already installed in the machine, it is important to avoid the entry of dust and water droplets, which directly affects the cooling. However, as we all know, the fan blades of cooling fans are very easy to absorb dust, so we need to clean them every once in a while. We need to clean and maintain it every once in a while.

3. The use of sleeve bearing cooling fan will affect the cooling performance of the cooling fan if you don’t use it for a long time. (It is best not to leave it vacant for more than five months)

4 cooling fan power cord do not pull the batch at will, it is easy to cause damage to the shaft and power cord.

5, transfer the cooling fan to minimize too much bump, otherwise, it will directly affect the use of the product.

5, cooling fan in the installation of screw, the strength should be appropriate, too tight will directly damage the cooling fan, too loose may lead to cooling fan in the operation of the off.

6, Pay attantion that by using fan in a high-temperature environment, it may deform the fan blades.

Find the Perfect Fan for Your Application Needs

Mega Tech can customize your choice to meet even the most demanding restrictions. If you have any questions or wish to learn more about Axial fans, contact Mega team today.

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